Hosts of Women For Progress of Mississippi (WFP) Radio on WMPR 90.1FM recently interviewed Lynette Medley, president and co-founder of The SPOT Period, established in 2012 to provide resources to underserved women and girls through No More Secrets Mind Body Spirit, Inc. SPOT is an acronym for Safety, Programming, Optimal Transformation.
Mrs. Willie Jones, president of WFP, invited Medley to discuss period poverty, the inability of women and girls to afford feminine hygiene products during their menstrual cycle.
Many women and girls experience period poverty each month when they don’t have money to buy feminine products that often prevents them from going to work or school.
Frequently, women may ask a friend to help with living expenses, or to borrow clothing, but rarely will they ask someone to help purchase feminine products. This is a very personal and private matter that is not discussed openly in the home, school, church, or in the workplace.
According to Medley, “The SPOT Period was created to not only provide feminine products but also to educate the public and foster awareness of period poverty issues.” The initiative also provides access to clean water and operable toilets for females in need of these basic amenities.
Jones added, “Women For Progress’ platform is a perfect fit as the vehicle to spread the word about period poverty through its large membership of women business owners and community advocates throughout the state.
“Also, poverty is so widespread in a state like Mississippi on all levels, i.e., food insecurity, housing, and health disparity. But period poverty had not been on our radar, and it most definitely should be a concern for everyone, especially for women business owners.”
Youth advocates say it’s important to normalize conversations about periods to reduce shame and stigma by talking to teens about how they purchase menstrual products and how often. Lack of access to period products can lead to poor health outcomes and should be seen as a medical issue.
To increase accessibility to hygiene products, legislation has been proposed in several states to address period poverty, including requiring public schools and colleges and agencies that serve low-income, homeless, and incarcerated populations to supply free pads and tampons.
To learn more about The SPOT Period visit and see the interview with Rachel Ray and Lynette Medley. For more information, contact Linda Walker at