JANS – NMHS Unlimited Film Productions, led by Dr. Wilma Mosley Clopton, is sponsoring Digital Magic for the seventh year, June 21-22, 2024. NMHS will again partner with the Jackson Branch NAACP Youth Chapter and Tougaloo College to offer 10 youth an interactive experience that introduces them to the art of documentary filmmaking.
The focus is on education as students use familiar technology, such as smartphones, iPhones, iPads, laptops, and computers to learn valuable film techniques. They will then incorporate the components of research, social studies, history, reading, language, social interaction, and critical thinking to plan, film, and edit their own short videos.
“Digital Magic is a timely platform for students to creatively express how various issues are impacting their lives, and their community,” said Dr. Clopton. “As a result, not only are students able to share their concerns, but they are also able to influence while building confidence and often shaping long-term professional goals.”
Dr. Clopton says this platform works equally well with all age groups. “The need to tell a story is not just limited to the young.
I never dreamed that Digital Magic would become an internationally sought after program, but it is. What excites me the most is sharing the Digital Magic principles here, at home in Mississippi.”
To find out how you can financially support Digital Magic, call 601.259.7598 or visit www.blackhistoryplus.com.