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Cornelious G. Medcalf, Jr., son of Annette Y. Matthews and Cornelious G. Medcalf, Sr., is a recent graduate of Shannon High School in north Mississippi. It’s easy to see why he answered English as his favorite subject. “Ms. Pippins, my English teacher, had the most impact on me. She pushed me to continue when I wanted to stop and give up. She loves her students but it took some time for me to understand that. We would always bump heads during class but when it came time to change classes, she would just start smiling and tell me she loves me,” Cornelious said. “I love you, Ms. Pippin so much for all you did to help me through the school year.” Cornelious has been accepted to attend Northeast Community College in Booneville, MS in the fall and plans to major in Automotive Engineering. He also has an interest in the music industry. So, don’t be surprised if you see his name associated with the next major car stereo system. Cornelious attends Cherry Grove M.B. Church.

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By Jackson Advocate News Service
July 11, 2021