Ward 5’s population decreased 13 percent during the U.S. Census period from 2010 to 2020, the largest population loss by ward in our city. Therefore, according to federal laws, Ward 5 must expand outward to gain more residents. if Ward 5 expands into areas that are already losing population and experiencing school closures, we will continue to experience population loss in this decade. We must move into morestable areas to maintain our population.
In a very short time frame, the City Council is developing a redistricting plan to provide equal populations across each city ward. This process should have started 6 months ago. The ward redistricting plan, whichwill be completed by the end of June, will involve gathering input from the citizens of each ward in Jackson.
Your input is needed to determine the direction of the expansion and the ultimate future of Ward 5.
Please plan to attend the upcoming Special City Courcil Meeting. The Meeting is Monday morning at
10 AM. The address is CMPDO 1020 Centre Point Drive, Pem| MS 39209. You will be afforded 3 minutes to speak during Public Comment Period. Please contact my office to get on the schedule to speak (601.960.1092).
You can also provide written comments to this email address: hartley@incksonms.gay or call to leave your comments at