OPINION: Let’s THINK about what we say and do

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By Dr. Jannie Johnson

Jackson Advocate Guest Writer

Listen…, listen do you hear what I hear: there is NO place for violence in America; it will NOT be tolerated; it is NOT condoned and it is un-American? We want peace; we need unity; we MUST work together!  Let’s stop the violence!

True… there is NO place for violence in America. But… violence isn’t taking a place in America. Violence is filling an empty space we made when we chose to remove the Source of peace and unity from the public square. Then we chose to make laws to keep that space empty. Remember? Now we are feeling a need for peace, unity, and a spirit of co-operation. From what Source we’re to get these invisible benefits? We need the Invisible One, God to fill that empty space. 

The assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump on Saturday, July 13, 2024, is proof positive that the security we have is in-sufficient. Something is missing most definitely. A lone 20-year-old was able to penetrate all, a-l-l our sophisticated security and  heavy presence of the law enforcement. Need I say more?

“Violence is sick.” Yes, but our sick conditions have caused violence and causing the rise in violence. My truth and your truth won’t lead to peace. We need The Truth, God’s truth; we must seek it; respect and practice it.

In Jonathan Swift’s fable, Gulliver’s Travels, he describes the country of Houyhnhnms. The horses are endowed with reasons and virtue but NOT human. The Houyhnhnms demonstrate that human is NOT sufficient for conduct of life. Man needs divine intervention in his affairs. Fellow Americans, our realities say we do need divine intervention lest we destroy ourselves in the name of progress, freedom, and our rights.

From my experience, I have learned that when all is said and done, usually more is said than done.

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OPINION: Let’s THINK about what we say and do

By Jackson Advocate News Service
July 22, 2024