Rep. Summers joins nation’s leaders to find solutions to end child poverty

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JANS – On July 19, 2023, State Representative Zakiya Summers (D-Jackson) attended an in-person convening of state leaders from across the country to support child care advocacy. 

State legislators representing 41 states gathered to discuss policies that make child care more affordable for working families, increase child care provider supply and improve job quality for child care workers. Attendees were able to hear from First Lady Dr. Jill Biden; Jennifer Klein, Assistant to the President and Director of the Gender Policy Council; Neera Tanden, Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council; and Tom Perez, Assistant & Senior Advisor to the President and Director of the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.

“I joined 100 legislators from across the country at the White House for a briefing on child care,” said Summers. “The Biden-Harris Administration has prioritized this issue with a package of policies sure to lift families out of poverty. I heard from First Lady Dr. Jill Biden and learned from so many colleagues about model legislation helping families access affordable, high-quality child care. In Mississippi, where child poverty is the highest, the reforms and investments I was exposed to will help our families and children thrive. I’m looking forward to bipartisan support to make it happen.”

Rep. Summers has been the representative for House District 68 since 2020, and she is a member of the following committees: Apportionment and Elections, County Affairs, Education, Public Health and Human Services and Workforce Development.

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Rep. Summers joins nation’s leaders to find solutions to end child poverty

By Jackson Advocate News Service
July 31, 2023