As individuals read this commentary, there will be less than 90 days before the presidential election. It pits Kamala Harris against Donald Trump. At least that is what will be on the ballot. In the broader sense, the election pits an agenda of retribution as opposed to one of freedom; a set of policies and actions aimed at “making America great again” in the words of Trump, as opposed to a set of policies and actions assuring that “we won’t go back,” in the words of Harris.
As individuals come to realize what’s behind the agenda of retribution and the policies to make America great again, compared to an agenda of freedom and policies to prevent us from being taken back, the question is, “why is the race even close?” The correct choice is so obvious.
The agenda of retribution has to do with revenge and punishing the political and judicial people whom Trump identifies as his enemies. The policies that are aimed at making America great again are identified in Project 2025 and the rhetoric of Trump himself. It is rooted in white supremacy and is often labelled as white nationalism, or white Christian nationalism. It is identifiable with the socio-political milieu of the United States of the 1940s and 50s. It necessarily means contracting or recoiling from the freedoms and opportunities that were gradually extended beyond just wealthy, white males.
The agenda of freedom has to do with protecting and expanding the freedoms to love and marry whom one chooses; to vote and have that vote count as everyone else’s; to function in one’s environment without fear of violence; to enjoy adequate housing, food, and health care; to experience the freedoms of speech, religion, and association; to make one’s own decisions regarding reproductive health; and so on down the line. It is a continuation of the theme “freedom,” with which Joe Biden had started his re-election campaign.
Harris, her team, and her associates are set on passing the laws and implementing the policies necessary to catapult the country and its dream of democracy ahead, rather than being turned back to yesterday. They clearly welcome a new day.
These things are so obvious until it is almost unnecessary to raise the previous question, but raise it we must. The question is that, “based upon what we know and what most people understand, why is the race between Trump and Harris even close?”
We raise it because more than being a rhetorical question, it enables thinkers to reflect on the culprits responsible for the race being unreasonably close. (1) There are millions of people leaning toward Trump because of the privileges and advantages that accrue to them because of the system of racism. They would rail against being labelled as racist and declare themselves in favor of democracy, but then vote for Trump and the MAGA crowd because of the personal benefits that would accrue to them. Their tribalism, exaggerated ethnocentric orientation or crass racism prevents them from doing what is right and logical. (2) There are millions who simply do not keep informed enough to make the most responsible and obvious decision for the future of American democracy. They end up relying on what someone else tells them or not voting at all. (3) There are millions who, for whatever reasons, decide not to bother themselves with voting, thereby enabling democracy’s true enemies to get a leg up in the process.
We are ecstatic to see the excitement surrounding the Kamala Harris campaign. That excitement, however, is not enough. Donations are needed. Volunteers are needed. Formal and informal discussions of the candidates and the issues are needed. We are calling on all citizens to check themselves, to do all these things above and some more. As we talk to others, let’s keep in the forefront the contrast between Harris and the Democrats’ theme of FREEDOM and the chant of “WE WON’T GO BACK” as opposed to Trump and the MAGA crowd’s theme of RETRIBUTION and their effort to take us back to the WHITE NATIONALISM of the 1940s and 50s.
The race should not even be close. One person is well experienced as an advocate of democracy and the rule of law and is championing freedom. The other has a long history of crimes and disrespect for the law, and is running primarily to stay out of jail and to secure the power to punish those whom he considers his political enemies. Our less than all-out effort can cause it to appear as if there are two equal or similar choices, when nothing could be further from the truth. The current battle is for the future of democracy and what life will be like for us and our descendants to the third and fourth generation.