TurnMississippiBlue.org is has officially launched in Mississippi just ahead of the upcoming 2024 presidential election

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TurnMississippiBlue.org is a collective of like-minded individuals who are committed to “Advocacy For A Better Mississippi For All Mississippians.” A representative of TMB states, “Our goal is to simply cultivate more balance on the political landscape in the State of Mississippi with increased voter awareness through advertising, community events and of course, social media. We encourage everyone to Register To Vote, Get Out To Vote, Donate, and just Do Something to pave A New Way Forward.” To view the TurnMississippiBlue.org inspiring thirty-second television commercial featuring music from Gospel artists Jules Juda, Mali Music, & Tasha Page-Lockhart from the “Revival Remix” is available on YouTube and across all social media platforms @turnmsblue2024. For more information go to www.turnmississippiblue.org

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TurnMississippiBlue.org is has officially launched in Mississippi just ahead of the upcoming 2024 presidential election

By Jackson Advocate News Service
September 24, 2024